Welcome to the Bo Tree Blog!

As we've traveled to different places, we've often dreamed of creating a unique business that builds upon the bookstore/café model by incorporating diverse elements for all ages: a greater range of dining experiences, indoor & outdoor theaters, educational opportunities, health and fitness practices, environmentally friendly products, and more.

It'll be 2019 before we can make this a reality so we're not as concerned with making realistic plans right now. Our focus now - and on this blog - is to incubate divergent and creative ideas with YOUR help.

So, we'd love for you to read a section at a time. They're organized along the right side of the screen & when selected, will appear below this introduction (you'll have to scroll down). Then let us know what you think (good or bad) through the blog comments or by emailing us at botree@gmail.com .

Jason & Jennifer

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Practices & Programs

Changing Hands Offers Series of Hiking Events

Tempe, Arizona's Changing Hands Bookstore, offers customers "Changing Hands Outdoors," a series of hiking events with themes to expand the mind, body, and spirit. The price of each hike includes a sack lunch from the Wildflower Bread Company, and most include a copy of a related title. The cost of $30 includes the hike, lunch, and a copy of Sixty Hikes Within Sixty Miles (Menasha Ridge), and there's a couple's price of $45, which includes one book and two lunches. http://news.bookweb.org/6625.html

Capitola Book Cafe Launches Membership Program

Created a membership program that offers customers five levels of membership whose fees range from $25 to $250. Among the benefits are free food and drink, shopping sprees, tickets to events, and other discounts. In recent years, the store, which was knew as "a kind of literary clearinghouse, not only selling books, but hosting readings from authors," has expanded its food-and-drink offerings, welcomed consignment items, brought in artworks, hosted community events, set aside a kids' area, and given attention to local writers and artists. http://news.bookweb.org/6625.html

Tree House Books Draws Media Attention for IBA

Michele Lonergan of Tree House Books in Holland, Michigan, who was instrumental in the creation of the new Lakeshore Business Alliance to educate the public about the "huge" positive impact that shopping locally can have on a community…The survey also found independent businesses in communities with a buy-local campaign fared better than those without one. http://news.bookweb.org/6625.html

Salons - http://www.utne.com/Spirituality/The-Art-of-a-Lively-Conversation.aspx

No Child Left Inside - http://nochildleftinside.org/

Austin Found (city wide teasure hunt) - http://www.austinfound.info/mambo/

Open Source / Collaborative Efforts such as wikipedia.org, wikiplanning, and openoffice software

Employee Practices  at Whole Foods, Zappos.com, Google, and Cranium

Urban Adventure Racing -

-Austin Oyster Urban Adventure Race Home javascript:void(0)
The Oyster Racing Series Ultimate Urban Adventure Race

-The Great Urban Race An Urban Adventure and Scavenger Hunt Race javascript:void(0)
The Great Urban Race is a unique urban adventure - a scavenger hunt, road race, and party all rolled into one fun day!

-Urban Assault Ride - The Pedal Powered Urban Adventure javascript:void(0)
Beer, Bikes, and Big Wheels – the biggest bike scavenger hunt series in the US.

 Socially Responsible Investing - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethical_investing



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